Saturday 7 January 2012

Darlind Doll //The Real Edition//

Is there a possible way to mix art, a friend and rather dull morning? As my beautiful guinea-pig... I mean assistant, Shauna and I found out, it is quite possible! Interesting results followed.

Um, the idea came pretty much from seeing a pile of masking tape and linking it with my original Darling Doll character. Cosplay anyone??

I would like to mention it was after out first shoot that gave us some incredible shots.. i came down with a case of 'the idiot' and deleted EVERYTHING. We did a second re-shoot, after re-wrapping poor Shaw back up once more. With our enthusiasm damped a little, i don't feel our results were as awesome as they had been the first time around. And i apologize again to poor Shauna for nearly cutting off all circulation to her hands!

Personally, i love these moving ones best. Especially the white ones that are a little hard to make out.

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