Tuesday 18 October 2011

Darling Doll

Since it was the Dark Nurses that inspired me, I set to work doing a few sketches.

I like how pretty and normal their body looks, but (like the Bubble Head Nurses from Silent Hill 2), their faces are rather distorted.

This lead on to my creation of my own 'Darling Doll'.

As she is on my wall now... she has acquired a friend, as you can see.

Reminds me of something out of a murder scene haha!

She is made from tinfoil and masking tape and moves quite well. At first, she was supposed to be only made from tin foil but her second leg refused to cooperate with me, giving her a huge bloated hip to one side. So, i had to introduce it to masking tape. I hope to make a stop motion with her at a later date, or, do a performance piece with a friend mimicking the crawling or drunken-like movements seen in 'The Grudge' or just about any zombie movie.

Some photo manipulation to make a rough idea of what i would want her face to look like:

This is the prototype for a wearable mask i was making for a performance piece. Its made from good old fashioned paper mache, with the held of a mask, beanie hat and masking tape. It looks rather abstract as it's not completely finished:

A short clip made out of some extra pictures on my camera and a small stop motion sequence that was cut short due to my camera battery running out. The music is 'Devil's Lyrics 2' from 'Silent Hill'. Music belongs to Akira Yamaota.

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