Tuesday 18 October 2011

Main Inspiration

Masahiro Ito

My main inspiration for the project is from the incredible work of Masahiro Ito, the artist behind the monster design of the first 3 games in the Silent Hill franchise. Those who have played the first 3 games will know what a lot of his work is like. For those who don't, lets ave a brief look at some of his work:

A Grey Child from 'Silent Hill'.

Bubble Head Nurse from 'Silent Hill 2'.

Masahiro Ito's sketch of Valtiel from 'Silent Hill 3'.

And, my personal favorite:

Masahiro Itos' rendition of Pyramid Head. Most badass monster...ever.

How did I ever get around to linking Silent Hill with 'Movement and Motion'?

Some friends and I were watching the movie of Silent Hill. Towards the end, there is a scene where Rosa De Silva is walking through a dark corridor trying to get to a room where the grown and burnt Alessa is. It is here that she encounters the Dark Nurses. The awkward, jerking movement of the Nurses walking towards Rosa's light caught my attention and I instantly clicked it to the given project. If you've seen the movie you'll know what I'm talking about. For those who haven't seen the movie yet, here's the clip itself!

//Note: I know there are a lot of people who thought the Silent Hill movie was crap but I actually thought it was really good! The only thing I wasn't happy with was Rose Da Silva replacing Harry Mason. Other wise, I thought it was a great take on the game and the monsters looked amazing. Also, I thought Jodelle Ferland's performance of Dark Alessa was incredible! That girl can do scary well for a kid.//

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