Saturday 29 October 2011

The Reversed Lady

My second character that i have created for my upcoming Freak Show animation. You will notice that she looks much more human-like compared to my shadow monsters. This character has both of her hinge-joint bones (the knees and elbows) reversed to how they normally should be. This character is heavily influenced by Ella Harper – The Camel Girl. She was an attraction in a sideshow in the late 1800's.

“I am called the camel girl because my knees turn backward. I can walk best on my hands and feet as you see me in the picture. I have traveled considerbly in the show business for the past four years and now, this is 1886 and I intend to quit the show business and go to school and fit myself for another occupation.” - from an advertising flyer for the sideshow she was a part of.

Here is my progress so far with her:

Again, we see an example of how nice a stencil that the shadow puppets can make.

A second, better, version of the spraying that's now hanging on my studio wall.

Shadows cast from a prototype hanging in my studio.

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