Thursday 27 October 2011

Yet Another Notebook Thing!

This is another little book we had too keep for the hour long CCS class on Thursdays. We were told it could be where ever our thoughts took us, so, after using it for Giger, I'm using it as an extension of my Contextual Notebook.

I still have stuff to add in on this page...

And so, I connected H.R Giger to Hans Bellmer due to their similar tendencies to create work with strong provocative images.

//Note: While I designed Giger's image pages with rather linear decoration in just black and white, I chose to decorate Bellmer's images with the theme of circles. This is because the dolls he makes are 'Ball-Joint Dolls'. Also, in my decoration of Bellmer's pages, I have added in the tiniest bit of red into the black and white mix.//

Those tiny little circles you see in the background... yeah, that's over four hours worth. Was it worth it? ...I think so :3

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