Friday 28 October 2011

Progress Reviews

What a week! We’re past the point of no return with our projects now, I guess.

Watching the clock, the hours slowly passed by until it was my turn….surprisingly on the first day! Us ‘O’s’ always get left until near last usually! Did anyone else have that nervous feeling, like someone was squeezing onto your tummy? Luckily, in the end I did not have to be so nervous. I think I had a pretty damn good response to my work from both lecturers! My shadow puppets have gone down rather well, and have become my domineering feature of my project.

What’s to come:

Come one, come all! Prepare yourselves for the greatest show on the earth! See the beautiful, but strange oddities that have captured our interest and imagination!

I am focusing now on the old Victorian freak shows, and how the deformed performers movement would be effected by their unusual bodies. So basically, this means I will be making two or three more characters as shadow puppets and try and work them into different forms, and hopefully, a stop motion sequence at the end of it all. Lets see where this goes…

The Circus of Freaks is coming to a studio near you soon! Look out for it this winter!

'Black Rider' by 'Tom Waits'

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